Apr 11, 2010

What Is The Comic Book Panel?

There is a house above the world, where the over-people gather.
There is a man with wings like a bird.
There is a man who can see across the planet and wring diamonds from its anthracite.
There is a man who moves so fast that his life is an endless gallery of statues.
In the house above the world, the over-people gather...
-Swamp Thing #24

Hey, guys!

I'm Tomato! You may know me from a fine little corner of the Web known as toonzone, a forum chock full of animation nerds. Failing that, you probably know me from my news and current events blog, www.tomatothoughts.blogspot.com! But, I can give you a guarantee that there's a side of me you don't know. A side of me that stands for truth, justice, and the American Way! A side of me that thinks glasses and a suit make for an adequate secret identity. A side of me that wears his underwear proudly on the OUTSIDE of his spandex pants and cape.

OK, maybe I went a bit too far with that, but you get the idea. I FRAKKIN' LOVE COMICS! Marvel or DC, classic or current, I can't get enough of the four-color craziness known as comics. There's a problem with that, though. I never post about them. I've never really found it appropriate to post about education and religion one day, and then comics the next. Don't get me wrong, they're both equally valid subjects and all, but talking about either requires me to do a complete 180. They simply can't exist on the same blog, or I'm pretty sure the Multiverse would explode.

Oh, wait, only about five of you got that joke. Sorry!

Another roadblock impeding my comic-crazed quest was just how dauntingly huge the whole cabal was. Where do I begin? There are so many great comics out there, from all corners of the world, and I'm just one loud-mouthed nerd with ten fingers.

This, I realized, would never work unless I cloned myself or something. And, then, something changed. From the great universe known as Twitter, four other brave souls, four souls who didn't fear failure, rose out of the cosmos to assist me in my quest.

We formed The Comic Book Panel.

Granted, that was a bit dramatic, but anyway, let me explain things a bit more.

On this blog, The Comic Book Panel, myself and four cyber-savvy friends will be reading and reviewing comics. Some are brand new, only having read a few comics in their lives. Some are hardened veterans, able to quote every issue of Aztek The Ultimate Man to the letter. Either way, we all love comics, and our goal is to enjoy them even more through this experience, to discuss them, giving them the in-depth discussion they deserve. Here's how that'll be accomplished. Every Saturday, we'll read and review ten comics. Each of the five members will choose a comic, whether it be a personal favorite or new experience, and we'll read two issues every Saturday, posting about them and discussing them along the journey. When we finish a series in our block of five, another will take its place.

In addition, to feed your comic appetite for the week, editorials and reviews of other comic-related materials will be posted at least three times a week.

With that, let me introduce you to the panelists. They've answered a quick survey in order to give you a bit of background on themselves.

Panelist One: RacattackForce

Question #1: Who are you?

Online, I go by the name Racattack Force. I'm just your run-of-the-mill high school student who loves cartoons and drawing comics. I'm a
pretty nice guy once you get to know me.

Question #2: What, in your view, is The Comic Book Panel? What does The Comic Book Panel mean to you?

The Comic Book Panel is a group of nerds who met on the internet and decided to read comics together. I feel like this will be a blast.

Question #3: When did you start reading comics? What is your personal history with comics?

I've been reading comics on and off since I was in elementary school. The first comic I read and really liked was "Spider-Girl."

Question #4: What kind of comics do you like to read? Fast-paced or slow-paced? Classic or modern? Superhero or other? DC or Marvel? Why?

Don't care about the pacing as long as the writers can keep my attention all throughout. I'd read any comic: Marvel, DC, independent...

Question #5: Are you a creator? What things do you work on, and where are they located if our readers would like to see them?

I'm currently working on a comic called "Missy." It's about a teenage girl who really loves killing people, and is a mix of humor and horror.
I plan to finish the comic by early May and slowly put out the pages online as a web comic starting in June.

Panelist Two: ToonFaithful

Question #1: Who are you?

I am a boy with an obsession for comics/manga/cartoons! What do I do? I go to school and learn things that will help me in the future.

Question #2: What, in your view, is The Comic Book Panel? What does The Comic Book Panel mean to you?

To just have fun and read more comics.

Question #3: When did you start reading comics? What is your personal history with comics?

I started reading comics when I was 10 and I still remember the comic, Cartoon Network Block Party.

Question #4: What kind of comics do you like to read? Fast-paced or slow-paced? Classic or modern? Superhero or other? DC or Marvel? Why?

I choose both. I read a lot of superhero comics. Detective Comics FTW.
Why? I know a lot more DC stuff than Marvel and when I read DC's comics, it has a mature feeling.

Question #5: Are you a creator? What things do you work on, and where are they located if our readers would like to see them?

Yes. I don't make them most of the time but when I'm bored I do. Also, I don't publish my comics and sell them. Maybe sometime later.

Panelist Three: QBComics

Question #1: Who are you?

I'm QBComics. I'm a student who loves comics ,video games and movies. When I grow up I'd like to make movies myself. I've already got ideas.

Question #2: What, in your view, is The Comic Book Panel? What does The Comic Book Panel mean to you?

To me it means a bunch of us comic geeks getting together and doing what we do best: reading comics together. :-)

Question #3: When did you start reading comics? What is your personal history with comics?

I started reading comics since I was little. My dad would read them to me. Then I started getting Marvel Adventures. After that, I migrated
over to DC (who I prefer). Though I love Iron Man and Spidey). I now read Green Lantern, Jonah Hex, ect.

Question #4: What kind of comics do you like to read? Fast-paced or slow-paced? Classic or modern? Superhero or other? DC or Marvel? Why?

Although I prefer DC, any comic will do as long as it has good stories, character development, and action if it calls for it, and I love
all types just for variety's sake.

Question #5: Are you a creator? What things do you work on, and where are they located if our readers would like to see them?

I have always had an idea for a comic book character. I don't currently have him anywhere because I'd like to use him for future projects. His name is Bob (Original, I know), and it's been really fun seeing him evolve over the years from light-hearted to dark.

Panelist Four: Manga4Life

Question #1: Who are you?

I am Manga4life, a moderator at justdubsforums.com and a member of the TZ community! I'm a fun and easy going kind of guy, much like you!

Question #2: What, in your view, is The Comic Book Panel? What does The Comic Book Panel mean to you?

My view on the panel is that it's made up of passionate comic book fans. I see lots of potential here for some great blogs!

Question #3: When did you start reading comics? What is your personal history with comics?

I started reading comic's in the mid 80's, once I started I never stopped! I have over 25,000 comics and over 500 TPB's.

Question #4: What kind of comics do you like to read? Fast-paced or slow-paced? Classic or modern? Superhero or other? DC or Marvel? Why?

I'm a traditional comic book fan, Marvel and DC are what does it for me, I do enjoy some small press stuff though.

Question #5: Are you a creator? What things do you work on, and where are they located if our readers would like to see them?

I'm not a comic creator, though I have been thinking about writing a series of small novels. Maybe someday...

Panelist Five: Tomato Surprise

Question #1: Who are you?

Well, according to some people I'm a fruit. Other people think I'm a vegetable.

In all seriousness, though, my name is Tomato Surprise. I'm a teen-aged poet and literary nerd, having been published several times, but I'm also a die-hard fan of comics and animation.

Question #2: What, in your view, is The Comic Book Panel? What does The Comic Book Panel mean to you?

I've always enjoyed discussing fiction, but I don't feel as if comics have been discussed, analyzed and enjoyed by most people, at least to the degree of other forms of media. The Comic Book Panel, I think, is here to change that, and to give comics a fair shake in the literary universe.

Question #3: When did you start reading comics? What is your personal history with comics?

Although I've enjoyed cartoons based on comics ever since I knew what a TV was, I'd never picked up a proper comic until I bought the comic Kingdom Come on an impulse buy about a year ago. I've been hooked ever since.

Question #4: What kind of comics do you like to read? Fast-paced or slow-paced? Classic or modern? Superhero or other? DC or Marvel? Why?

I love a lot of comics! as long as they're written well, I'm willing to pick up anything. I enjoy DC more than Marvel on most counts, and like modern comics better than the classics.

Question #5: Are you a creator? What things do you work on, and where are they located if our readers would like to see them?

Why, yes I am! Thanks, me, for asking! I have a news-related blog that I've linked to up above, where there's debate to be had and cookies to be eaten. I also write poetry and travel around my state reading at events.


That about covers it for now! Feel free to comment and follow us on Twitter by searching for the hash-tag #thecomicbookpanel! You probably won't be hearing from me until next week, but the rest of the panel has some really tasty tidbits planned for the week! The floor is yours, guys!


1 comment:

  1. Well, this should be fun...

    Should I answer the five questions so people know me?

    I am probably not going to participate full on with this, but I'll be here reading and enjoying the posts, and possibly, the comics. I'll have to see if I'm intrigued by any of these titles.
